Last year I did a big series of nursery prints about animals and the sounds they make. They were very much geared toward the tiniest of audience members: high contrast, very simple, and unique enough but not very stylized. Today I am thinking of how blissful it would be to design a whole nursery around this new animal-sound-related image, but I think it's maybe too visually sophisticated -- my little girl (age 2) didn't recognize this as a bird when I first showed it to her, and I like her art to be accessible to her.
Still, it's so cuuuuute and springtimey! What do your little ones think?
I love the idea, personally. Kenzie is sitting aside me, and immediately exclaimed:
"It's an Easter chicken mommy. And, look, it's saying tweet, tweet, tweet."
Kenzie will be three next month, and she gets it -- in her own way. So, in my mind - I waffle between art in rooms that they can process at the moment...or grow into. Although, developmentally - they may not "get it" at infancy... I at least, cannot redecorate the room at every developmental stage. Therefore, I'd prefer simple artistic statements that she can interpret as she wishes. So, what if she doesn't see what it's "supposed" to be? It's art. We're all supposed to have a unique reaction to it. Right?
I like to ask Kenzie about our art and see what she sees, without correcting her. It's actually very fun to come back and reassess it later. She sees different things over the course of time. We just did some "ink blot" creations not too long ago, with one hanging on our fridge. She see's so many things within it, each different according to the day. We hope to do a family art montage of ink blots, identified with what we see. I think it'll be a fun and conversational piece.
Anyway. That's just my humble opinion in reference to your question. A little long-winded. But, my views on your adorable drawing...and the collection as a whole.
i love your work!
i love illustrations and have always wanted to do more of it myself but haven't. your work inspires me to move closer to my dream...
a new admirer,
cc: i only have positive feedback about this one as i love chubby-roundness in illustrations. the additional curly cutesies on the chick are a nice surprise. so spring-y! the "peep" bubble can also be used for teaching letters later on! soft yellow color is perfect.
so it's all good for me! calling the kids to get their feedback...
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