Saturday, April 22, 2006

A new blog (again)!

I'm re-purposing my web site and simplifying my blogging tools. My (equally fabulous and beleagured) husband Sam slaved away at configuring a Ruby on Rails blogging application for me but ultimately it didn't integrate with Flickr well so -- I made him yank it out. He is the true geek of the family; I am kinda more and more on the poseur side of Information Technology.
In all of this transition I did not archive (for public display, that is) any of the blog articles that chronicled my family's experience with microprematurity (due to severe pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome my one and only daughter was born 12 weeks early weighing 1lb 12oz, or 798g). I am however very, very happy to help out any families that are going through similar experiences by sharing stories, advice, etc. Just ask. This is also a great opportunity for me to plug my charity prints for the March of Dimes. The March of Dimes supports research into the causes and conditions of prematurity.
This blog, though, is mostly going to be about purty pictures. :)

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