Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ali had a little lamb

Ali had a little lamb
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
Happy birthday wishes to the beautiful and courageous Ali. May all your dreams come true.

(Ali is dave_graham's prettier half and their daughter's nursery is allll lambs and so cute. And she calls her girl Lamb, too, as an endearment.)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I get a little closer every day

When I grow up I want to be a fairy godmother. I am working on it. The only part of the picture that is real (so far) is the handbag -- which is my actual factual handbag, and which goes with approximately none of my present outfits but really, what the hell, I carry it everywhere anyway. I will have to get my lovely resident photographer to photograph it.
Incidentally, my daughter and I like to sing "Bibbity Bobbity Boo" (the fairy godmother's big number in Disney's Cinderella) and what is really charming about that is that neither of us knows the words.

I will keep the sun warm for you

My friend Amy is immortalized as a... whatever I am calling these things

Monday, January 22, 2007

I will smite you with my deadly carrot

...or my impressive facial hair, whichever.

When I was a little kid (different I here. Please be assured I do not have impressive facial hair) we used to play Dictionary. We didn't have Google back then but, what with my parents being English teachers, we had some hefty dictionaries. Anyway, drias was a memorable Dictionary word (meaning "deadly carrot"), and it cracked me right up. All the time. Allll the time.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Bus Stop

Bus Stop
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
I love little babcias.
This picture has several meanings for me:
1. My mom is friends with a Polish Ladies Action Prayer Task Force and whenever there is big trouble, the Polish Ladies Action Prayer Task Force kicks into high gear. Such was the case when my tiny daughter was born. Those babcias do good work :) They also send me very tasty desserts around the holidays.
2. My own Polish grandmother loved pink (my other grandmother loved blue, and that was how I told them apart when I was very small).
3. I have two other de facto grandmothers. A grandmother and a great aunt. We adopted each other. For my birthday they are always sending me "to my granddaughter" and "to my niece" cards and I am always so thrilled with it. They used to keep a tiny chihuahua named Pitzeleh. He was like a little punting dog, but they loved him so much. They have another little tiny dog now whom they dress in little sweaters.

A bumblebee for inkyblack

A bumblebee for inkyblack
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
Inkyblack, who shoots the most luminescent portraits of children, and who is also an astonishingly sweet person, requested a bumblebee from me. It was a joy to comply. I am all giddy.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

x and o

x and o
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
I was able to leave my office on time today. Twilight. But then there was a traffic jam on the way home. The good thing about a traffic jam at twilight in the wintertime here is that there is plenty of time to study the trees and the sky behind them. I had plenty of music to listen to (Jennifer Kimball, Peter Mulvey) and I wasn't hungry and I didn't have to pee. It was nice to sit and watch.
My favorite kind of tree to see is a tree that has new baby leaves on it, in daylight right after the rain. There is a sharp contrast between the wet bark and the new day-glo leaves. But the silhouettes of skeletal trees at twilight are a close second.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Foooooooour Colors!

Foooooooour Colors!
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
We are not halfway through January and I've made one of my big goals for the year (draw in 4 colors or fewer and like it)! Now I need to learn how to silkscreen this onto a bazillion t-shirts. My daughter would probably love wearing this buggie. I would, too.

I actually have been doing many creative things wherever and however I can but I haven't been too too much at liberty to show them off yet. One reason is because some of the new creative things are waiting for the birth of a friend's baby, and how honored I am to do a special project for this family! Another reason is some of the creative things are not digital in nature and we have not struck upon a happy coincidence where "free time" meets "adequate light for photography". Another reason is I'm in major crunch mode at my day job, working lots of late hours, and so most of my drawings are on scrap paper in the margins of meeting notes as I try to keep myself awake and alert.