Thursday, December 21, 2006

the boy who brought back the sun

We've had a sweet Solstice day (which was also a sweet Hannukah day and a sweet day of Cheesemas and Christmas preparations -- we do it all). I made a wish upon the first star I saw, lit my Solstice candle and sang "happy birthday" to Sunshine with my little daughter. I tried to explain that there would be more sun in each day from now until midsummer -- but I think that was lost in the blur of her desire for more Hannukah gelt (chocolate coins).

Monday, December 18, 2006


Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
I have a goal for 2007 already which is to learn to be content drawing in four colors or fewer (there's a special project I have in mind which restricts the palette quite a lot). It's harder than I thought, drawing in just four colors. Really hard. In this picture I had to give up , but I like it anyway.

Cardinals winter here, where I live. It's not winter yet (instead we have a freak warm snap which I really appreciate), but my desk faces a window and last week, looking out the window, I saw a cardinal among the skeletons of my rose bushes.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

ho ho ho

ho ho ho
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
I'm not setting foot in the mall until at least January somethingteen.