Thursday, November 30, 2006

Angels We Have Heard Go Toot

Cardboard (paper towel tube) and paper angels I made with Maya Chocolatey Claire on her 2nd birthday.
We are getting into the Cheesemas spirit here. During the photo shoot I nibbled on part of the "set" -- can you see the hunks of Colby Jack and Port Salut in the background? They were delicious.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Neonatal Flying Pig

Neonatal Flying Pig
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
I've been asked to draw a flying pig for a very special preemie (one of the happy outcomes of the Shopping From The Heart event last Friday at Bryn Mawr Hospital). This is one of the variations. It's black/white/red to attract and hold the neonatal gaze.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

November is Prematurity Awareness Month!

Here's a picture of Maya and me on our very first Christmas together. It was a difficult time of course (here Maya is recovering from sepsis -- very scary) but I do have beautiful memories of that day. I was telling her about Santa Claus and the NICU staff and volunteers presented each and every patient with a personalized stocking. Special gestures like these make a holiday in the hospital much brighter for everyone, and I'm having a blast "giving back".

Spacedog -- Again!

I am ever closer to meeting my goals for the November 17 Shopping from the Heart benefit at Bryn Mawr Hospital. I liked the Spacedog shadowbox so much that I decided Spacedog needed to be a print and a wall lamp too.