Sunday, June 25, 2006

I am delicious

All the deer ticks agree
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
...and I have been very, very sick! I missed the silent auction of my prints and everything (although I understand that everything sold, which is wonderful).
I am feeling great now, I expect a full recovery thanks to early diagnosis, and I am slowly getting back into my drawing.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

There go my babies!

On Saturday my husband and daughter and I carried a big box of my prints (each one nicely mounted and framed and sporting a personal letter from the artist -- that's me) to the NICU that saved my daughter. They're having a silent auction later this month to raise funds and I'm thrilled to be able to help out.

Friday, June 02, 2006

il signore Pancake

il signore Pancake
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
It's that time again... Illustration Friday this week is "cake". I had to be a little different.