Thursday, December 21, 2006

the boy who brought back the sun

We've had a sweet Solstice day (which was also a sweet Hannukah day and a sweet day of Cheesemas and Christmas preparations -- we do it all). I made a wish upon the first star I saw, lit my Solstice candle and sang "happy birthday" to Sunshine with my little daughter. I tried to explain that there would be more sun in each day from now until midsummer -- but I think that was lost in the blur of her desire for more Hannukah gelt (chocolate coins).

Monday, December 18, 2006


Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
I have a goal for 2007 already which is to learn to be content drawing in four colors or fewer (there's a special project I have in mind which restricts the palette quite a lot). It's harder than I thought, drawing in just four colors. Really hard. In this picture I had to give up , but I like it anyway.

Cardinals winter here, where I live. It's not winter yet (instead we have a freak warm snap which I really appreciate), but my desk faces a window and last week, looking out the window, I saw a cardinal among the skeletons of my rose bushes.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

ho ho ho

ho ho ho
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
I'm not setting foot in the mall until at least January somethingteen.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Angels We Have Heard Go Toot

Cardboard (paper towel tube) and paper angels I made with Maya Chocolatey Claire on her 2nd birthday.
We are getting into the Cheesemas spirit here. During the photo shoot I nibbled on part of the "set" -- can you see the hunks of Colby Jack and Port Salut in the background? They were delicious.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Neonatal Flying Pig

Neonatal Flying Pig
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
I've been asked to draw a flying pig for a very special preemie (one of the happy outcomes of the Shopping From The Heart event last Friday at Bryn Mawr Hospital). This is one of the variations. It's black/white/red to attract and hold the neonatal gaze.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

November is Prematurity Awareness Month!

Here's a picture of Maya and me on our very first Christmas together. It was a difficult time of course (here Maya is recovering from sepsis -- very scary) but I do have beautiful memories of that day. I was telling her about Santa Claus and the NICU staff and volunteers presented each and every patient with a personalized stocking. Special gestures like these make a holiday in the hospital much brighter for everyone, and I'm having a blast "giving back".

Spacedog -- Again!

I am ever closer to meeting my goals for the November 17 Shopping from the Heart benefit at Bryn Mawr Hospital. I liked the Spacedog shadowbox so much that I decided Spacedog needed to be a print and a wall lamp too.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Sir Knight, Defender of the Fluffy Green Hills

Still cranking out the shadowboxes for "Shopping from the Heart" at Bryn Mawr Hospital on Fri. 11/17/2006!

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Spacedog Shadowbox
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
When my workday is done -- I come home and do more work, lately on shadowboxes for the big NICU benefit:
Have A Heart Shopping Event
benefits the Main Line Health Neonatal Intensive Care Units
Bryn Mawr Hospital, Bryn Mawr, PA
November 17, 2006
You can preview the entire set here but as they are !!!3D!!! and !!!handpainted!!!! there's nothing like seeing them in person!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

No time for love, Dr. Jones!

butterfly in the high chair
Originally uploaded by sammy baby.
Make that, "no time for drawing" -- but we have sure had a lot of fun lately! We just returned from a big trip to New England to visit a bunch of preemie friends. I expected to have a good time -- I had a GREAT time.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Halloween Kitty

Halloween Kitty
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
Getting into the spirit...
(I know it's insipid that Christmas lasts 8 weeks or more, according to shopping malls and the like. But I think Halloween ought to get at least a month. It is the BEST holiday.)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Hope - For Ali, Dave, Maddie, and the Grahamlet

Oh my goodness.
I put green leaves there on purpose: the trees up in New England had better be good and full before the baby is born!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) art in progress!
My daughter was a NICU patient for many many days, and has survived and thrived. Today she graduated Early Intervention. I like to give back.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I Am Loved

I Am Loved
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
This is for a little girl who loves to do "tree pose". She is the friend of a friend whom I'll get to meet in person later this month and already I can tell she must be so delightful.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Portrait of a Bunny - 9x12"

I've had a very nice weekend, even despite some car trouble (we went out to run errands with the baby, and poof, our car would not start for the return trip home -- but we were never in any danger and were in fact right near a Toys R Us so how bad could it be?). Now my cupboards and fridge are full, I have a few new books, the kid is happy, I painted (the bunny you see here), and the house smells like the incense my friend Sarah burned and the incredible soaps Julie got me.

Monday, July 31, 2006

I am learning watercolors...

For Sarah
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
...and thinking of my good friend Sarah. This practice painting is for her.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Flight Lesson

Flight Lesson - 16x20"
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
This week I took a little art vacation and painted with real paint for the first time in many years. I was so happy doing it, I think I'll paint again very soon.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Fontina the Mouse

Last year's Cheesemas* mouse (featured on our holiday greeting) has a new summer look.

*Cheesemas is our annual all-you-can-eat cheese festival held each year around the end of December. It is the easiest party to prep for: you just serve up a ton of cheese. We like to hunt for really fancy, exotic cheeses. It's made me a little bitty bit of a connoisseuse au fromage, ha ha ha, but truthfully Cheesemas is the one time a year I eat really special cheese. The rest of the year I'm pretty much a cheddar, brie, feta, and Boursin girl.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

I am delicious

All the deer ticks agree
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
...and I have been very, very sick! I missed the silent auction of my prints and everything (although I understand that everything sold, which is wonderful).
I am feeling great now, I expect a full recovery thanks to early diagnosis, and I am slowly getting back into my drawing.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

There go my babies!

On Saturday my husband and daughter and I carried a big box of my prints (each one nicely mounted and framed and sporting a personal letter from the artist -- that's me) to the NICU that saved my daughter. They're having a silent auction later this month to raise funds and I'm thrilled to be able to help out.

Friday, June 02, 2006

il signore Pancake

il signore Pancake
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
It's that time again... Illustration Friday this week is "cake". I had to be a little different.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Illustration Friday: Sorry

Illustration Friday: Sorry
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
It's that time again. I did a little bit of research to draw this picture and it turns out that my square and uncool friends and I were far off the mark in our guesses as to what emo really is. Like, we thought John Mayer and whatsisface, that guy in the Prada outfits, oh yeah Duncan Sheik, were emo. So I am sorry for that, too. I'm gonna use age as my excuse. :)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Another Illustration Friday Drawing

Work No Longer in Progress
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
The topic: "fat". Half of my purpose in doing this was to see if I would enjoy having orange walls in my bedroom. I have very similar bedding -- it's all IKEA.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Illustration Friday: Under the Sea

Jerome the Fish
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
This drawing features my good old betta-fish Jerome, who will not die. Click the picture to learn more (on flickr).

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I am alive and well, and stuff

...but my husband had a touch of the plague, so to protect our daughter's preemie-lungs I was doing a little bit of the single parent thing for a few days, and having some just-mom-and-Maya time. It was tiring and logistically dicey but sweet; the baby did not get sick; and it all sorta fulfilled my Gilmore Girls guilty pleasure dream where we have the house to ourselves and spend hours trading wacky girly dialogue. We missed our Sam though, and vice versa.
He is all better again, and I am off to catch up on sleep, and think of what to draw next.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

No Kicking

No Kicking
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
There are times we all need a kick in the pants. For my friend Amy, now is really not one of them. So this is for her, but you should also feel free to grab the PDF (460K), color it in if you want, and use it where and when it's needed most.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Illustration Friday: Robot

Illustration Friday: Robot
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
This week's Illustration Friday topic is "robot".
I wanted to see if I can actually draw Japanese-manga-anime style (DUDE! I can!) and at the same time I wanted to express how completely perplexed I am by what little anime I catch very late at night on Cartoon Network when I'm too punchy to sleep. I find it completely bizarre.
I used to love Robotech back in the day, though. :)

Monday, April 24, 2006

Squiddy McScribbles

Squiddy McScribbles
Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
The first print of Squiddy McScribbles just rolled out of the printer and turned a cranky hour of the evening (you know -- that late hour after you pay your bills and fret over why your baby is having so much trouble sleeping) into something much more delightful. This is like the haaaaaapppppiest thing I have ever drawn. Notice I have carefully steered away from applying a gender. I have no idea.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Originally uploaded by relentlesstoil.
Today I was sick with the respiratory version of the creeping funk. My daughter is an ex-micropreemie with chronic lung disease, and although she's doing fabulously, I didn't want her to get sick, too, so I stayed away from her all day. Didn't hug her. Drew. Drawing is like breathing for me but MAN. I missed my kid something fierce.
I was also thinking about the big, bone-crunching hugs my mom doles out.
This is available from the print shop.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

A new blog (again)!

I'm re-purposing my web site and simplifying my blogging tools. My (equally fabulous and beleagured) husband Sam slaved away at configuring a Ruby on Rails blogging application for me but ultimately it didn't integrate with Flickr well so -- I made him yank it out. He is the true geek of the family; I am kinda more and more on the poseur side of Information Technology.
In all of this transition I did not archive (for public display, that is) any of the blog articles that chronicled my family's experience with microprematurity (due to severe pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome my one and only daughter was born 12 weeks early weighing 1lb 12oz, or 798g). I am however very, very happy to help out any families that are going through similar experiences by sharing stories, advice, etc. Just ask. This is also a great opportunity for me to plug my charity prints for the March of Dimes. The March of Dimes supports research into the causes and conditions of prematurity.
This blog, though, is mostly going to be about purty pictures. :)